Sunday, December 28, 2008

more substantial update

The year is over and 2009 is already a week old. I was ready to close the door on 2008 as it contained some dark hours of immense sorrow. However, there were days of joy and life especially as the year ended. December was a wonderful month as I took time to really enjoy the advent of Christmas - A time for hope and the realization that hope is not the enemy when disappointments come but hope is what gives us strength to hold on for a more perfect tomorrow. 

For the first time in years, I was ready for the holidays a week prior and anxiously awaited them just like my 6-year old self. In preparation of the holidays, I attended The Nutcracker Ballet, A Christmas Carol play, attended a handful of Christmas parties, and threw my annual holiday brunch. There is something that happens at this time of year where people do open their hearts and minds just a bit wider and allow grace and love to enter. This year, I also coordinated a gift drive for women and their children escaping domestic violence. We took the gifts to the shelter with holiday baking and had a Christmas party with them. If anything, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am blessed in my life.

Well, as with each year, I find a theme to meditate on. For 2009, it is "be surprised." I don't really know what that means but it probably has to do with me letting go of controlling everything and just letting life be what it is or will be. But as I found with my "peace" theme last year, it will be revealed to me through many strange coincidences and events.

2009 is starting off with excitement as I am heading off to San Francisco to visit my dear beloved's down there. It was one of those "surprises" I didn't know was going to happen. I am truly looking forward to the trip and not just because I can shop at Target and Anthropologie.

The year also holds some adventure. I have signed up for my 1/2 marathon in May (I have the race date correct & have running buddies to get me to the race on the right day). I also plan to travel to Turkey with my lovely mother and then do a walking tour of England with my mom and my sisters in June. I am thrilled about that. 

One thing I do know is that regardless of what 2009 holds is that I have people who love me that are willing to walk beside me through life. Below is a picture of two girlfriends that I have learned to appreciate and love on a whole new level this year. My heart is full of gratitude for the friendship they offer me - Thank you!!

cc, me & pk

Friday, December 26, 2008

a wee update

Just returned from a most wonderful couple of days with some of the most wonderful people I know down in Lethbridge. Christmas was fabulous and even more fabulous is my new MacBook. I am in the process of getting to know "mac"...we are in the courtship stage if you will. I am trying to figure out my pictures, music, bookmarks and all the other shortcuts that were conveniently saved on my pc. It is just nice to have a keyboard that types again so I will share thoughts and pictures soon. 

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Rebel Jesus

Jackson Browne's "The Rebel Jesus."

All the streets are filled with laughter and light
And the music of the season
And the merchants' windows are all bright
With the faces of the children
And the families hurrying to their homes
As the sky darkens and freezes
Will be gathering around the hearths and tales
Giving thanks of God's graces
And the birth of the rebel Jesus

Will they call him by the "Prince Of Peace"
And they call him by "The Saviour"
And they pray to him upon the sea
And in every bold endeavor
As they fill his churches with their pride and gold
And their faith in him increases
But they've turned the nature that I worship in
From a temple to a robber's den
In the words of the rebel Jesus

We guard our world with locks and guns
And we guard our fine possessions
And once a year when Christmas comes
We give to our relations
And perhaps we give a little to the poor
If the generosity should seize us
But if any one of us should interfere
In the business of why they are poor
They get the same as the rebel Jesus

But pardon me if I have seemed
To take the tone of judgement
For I've no wish to come between
This day and your enjoyment
In this life of hardship and of earthly toil
We have need for anything that frees us
So I bid you pleasure and I bid you cheer
From a heathen and a pagan
On the side of the rebel Jesus

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sunday, December 7, 2008


This is the place where I want to get - this Christmas...small steps are being made towards it but I do love giving gifts to people (both purchased and made) - it brings me great joy.
So I will make the change gradually - hopefully in Christmases to come, more water will be given literally and figuratively. The purpose of the church I attend (and the Church as a whole) is to take water to our world. In this advent season, I hope to find the opportunities to be a water-carrier to those in need.
I am done my Christmas "shopping" although there are a couple of makesies still to complete and gifts to donate to but I look forward to enjoying the next 3 weeks in anticipation of celebrating Jesus' birth. May the advent season be one of wonder, joy and peace to you.
For more info on the video, check out

Sunday, November 30, 2008

This reminds me of my family

This is an addendum to my first blog post today. The Bateman/Light cousins know what this is all about...there have been 1 or 2 (or more) dance parties to Boney M at past Christmas get-togethers. All she is missing is a comb for a microphone.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Judging from the weather today, no one would believe that tomorrow is December. It was about 7 degrees Celsius today and absolutely beautiful. So it is hard to start thinking about Christmas and the season of advent. But this weekend, I solved this conundrum. Here are five easy steps to get into the Christmas spirit:

1) Pull out Christmas decorations and deck the halls

2) Listen to the Boney M Christmas album

3) Buy festive food. I bought mini mandarins. Aren't they adorable?

4) Invite people to a Christmas party. My 4th annual Christmas brunch is taking place in just 2 weeks.

(prep from last year's brunch)

5) Start thinking about gifts - this brings me great joy! I am making, buying or donating to charity for my Christmas presents this year. For the buying, I chose on-line purchases, of course - there is nothing like the crowds in the mall to make your Christmas spirit disappear. As for making gifts, my loved ones - you are in for a treat!! And most importantly, charity - my donations this year will be going to ChristmasFuture again.

By the way, as a reminder to my beloved relatives in the 'Bridge. I will be joining y'all for the Christmas festivities. Love you & can't wait for it.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Overheard conversations

I sometimes play a game when I am out at a coffee shop or restaurant. I call it "the first date" game. I watch couples and try to determine where they are in their relationship. The really fun ones to watch are the two people on a first date. I then determine from their body language whether or not there will be a second date. Earlier this week, I watched this guy and girl having coffee at one of my favorite coffee haunts - Kaffa and Salsa House. It was an obvious first date. The conversation seemed fairly fluid but not entirely comfortable. I think the girl liked him but perhaps going on dates is new for her. Her crossed arms on the table send one message but she is leaning forward. The guy was a bit nervous and talked quite a bit. His body sent mixed signals - sitting back in his chair but open. This is hard to decide. I think they were of the christian faith purely based on their clothes and body language (and choice of beverage). They were definitely talking about first date topics - travel, work, family. I think there will be a 2nd date. I don't know if playing this game is actually an act of judging. I just like creating stories about people. Here is my take on that girl - she is single because she has been committed to her studies and career. She looks about early 30's. He has recently decided that he needs to settle down in life and find a nice girl. They met on-line. She seems nice but not a lot of chemistry. I really shouldn't play this game because I am a disaster when it comes to dating. But it is fun to imagine other people's stories. Who knows if there will be date number 2...only the stars will know.

Eavesdropping is considered a rude habit however when one is journalling in a coffee shop, conversations are bound to be is another I heard at the same coffee shop.

This conversation was between a new mom and a mom-to-be (first time). They talked about cloth diapers and diaper rashes for 45 minutes. Is this interesting to mom's? The idea of ever participating in such a lengthy conversation about the color of a baby's bottom makes my ovaries shrivel. Seriously ladies, there is more to life than shit on diapers. .. there is wipes, change tables, pablum, toilet training, oh, the topics are really limitless. The mom-to-be looks like she may want to re-think her decision because she just realized what her conversations will be like for the next few years. Too late, lady! Maybe the idea of these conversations excite some women...each to their own.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

fragments of my life

Again, my blog will be a mixed update of sorts as this past week was a pretty great one in the grand scheme of my life. Here are some highlights:

1) Girls weekend in Canmore - Punam, Lynn, Claire & I did what women do best - drank wine and over-analyzed our lives. It was wonderful. If you are ever in Canmore, I recommend the condo complex we stayed at - Canmore Crossing.

2) There is a new president-elect in the USA. This makes me smile! I still get goose-bumps when I think about it. If you have not read the book "The Audacity of Hope", read it and you will understand my goose-bumps.

3) I am enjoying a 4-day weekend - enough said.

4) Caught up with old friends: Sarah, my best friend from high school; Jo-Anna, a kindred who lives on the other side of the world; Alicia, my girl...I was her youth leader but she teaches me so much.

5) Went orienteering with my work team and was partnered with the person I encountered challenges working with in the past. However, we rocked as a team and came first in the orienteering course. We also understand each other a lot more - good conversations while completing the tasks.

6) Attended a
Lucinda Williams concert last night with my brother - loved it! I need to purchase her new album. It is a wee bit softer than her past albums...apparently, she has found true love.

7) I live in a country where I have the freedom to say what I want, believe what I want, vote for whomever I choose. Thank you to those men & women who sacrificed so I can experience freedom.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Yes, they did

Tonight, I and a few poli-geeks crashed the Democrats Abroad party and celebrate a history-making moment. With a beer in hand and CNN on the TV, we watched until there was no doubt that Barack Obama would be the next president. I had a strange desire to cry with joy and laugh the audacity of it all at the same moment. It feels like the whole world's trajectory has been shifted. Hope for change - that is the core of human existence.
The other inspiration of the day was the huge voter turnout. Americans used their voice and power to be heard...if only all democratic countries (hello Canada!) would understand that each vote matters.

Monday, October 27, 2008

gold digga

I am not sure if blonds have more fun but I had a great time as a blond at a Halloween party this past weekend. Some think Halloween is just for kids but I can attest to the fact I have more fun as an adult for this "wicked" holiday.
This year, I went as a gold digger. Dressed all in gold (thank you Nicole for the skirt - it made the outfit) and carried a golden spade. I walked around all night and asked men how much they made. Unfortunately, with the stock market crashing, there was no gold to be found... :-)

Below: My friend Lynn and I - Both puns: Gold Digger and Black Mail.
We had a great night.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

the beauty of imperfection

For some reason, there is a strange desire within to show the world that my life is together...that I am together. In fact, reality is a much different thing. I don't have it together. I am struggling to find out why I need to show the world this crazy ideal. I don't want to be perfect...perhaps it is a control thing but whatever it is, it needs to stop.

After some contemplation of this realization, here are my learnings:

- Allow myself the grace to make mistakes such as showing up a day late for the 10K race as I did in September. No one died due to this oversight.
- Share triumphs and failures with my confidantes...even if that means breaking down and losing the plot at a wedding.
- Be real and vulnerable. Ask for help or cheerleaders when I need them.
- Have friends over even when my house is untidy - they are coming to see me...not my cleaning abilities.
- If life takes a detour and I can't complete my 101 things in a 1001 days, that is okay.
- And most importantly, in the words of Anne (or was it Miss Stacey?)..."Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it." I love a do-over, a new start...or a redemption.

In other news, I attended a un-church this morning and enjoyed the non-churchiness of it. I may go back next week. It is definitely in the emergent church realm...relational and relevant or as Brian McLaren calls it "A Generous Orthodoxy". The sermon topic involved the Robert Plant/Alison Kraus musical collaboration "Raising Sand"...definitely not normal church.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

fall cleaning, sorting, organizing and re-arranging

There is nothing like your family coming to visit that spurs you into a cleaning frenzy. I should have people visit more often because my house would be somewhat cleaner. However, the unfortunate thing about cleaning is that when you clean one area of your home, the other areas that look worse than ever.

Oh well, I used the opportunity to purge and organize which are two of my favorite things to do. Did my recycling, took a few boxes of goods to charity, framed some pictures and re-arranged my furniture in anticipation of the "new" antique secretary desk that will be arriving shortly. Due to the new furniture layout, I will have to get rid of my old-school TV...and I will have to buy a LCD screen to fit the space. Oh, shucks! I also may have to splurge and purchase the macbook because my desktop PC just isn't going to fit on the antique desk. Oh shucks!

There is a satisfaction that comes from everything in its place. Since my October will be insanely busy with work trips, events and weddings, it is just nice to start the month in an orderly fashion.

Also this weekend, I tried to clean up Canadian politics by casting my vote at the advanced polls. However, I don't think it is really going to make a difference as I am in Stephen Harper's riding and he is a shoe-in to win his parliament seat. But since I am an ordinary Canadian who supports the arts and believes poverty issues should be addressed both nationally and internationally, I voted for a change in candidate. When it is all said and done, the important thing is that I voted.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Tribute to my boyfriend

This past weekend, my "boyfriend" Paul Newman passed away. Although a beautiful man, a talented actor, but most importantly, a generous philanthropist.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

random thoughts and quotes on peace

Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal.
- Martin Luther King Jr

"Peace is not something you wish for; It's something you make, Something you do, Something you are, And something you give away.
- Robert Fulghum

I have been thinking a lot about peace this year. Even though my year theme is the prayer of St. Francis "Lord, make me an instrument of your peace", I am still amazed how often peace comes up in conversations, movies and books. During the past few months, I realized I am both a realist and an idealist when it comes to peace. The track record of humanity is not encouraging when it comes to world peace. And since past behaviour often indicates future patterns, it is easy to give up hope. I understand that humanity as a whole may never have peace but yet, I have hope because each day, every person has the ability to choose peace. And each day, there are people that choose to live in peace with their neighbours...efforts are made towards peace.

In Israel and Palestine, there is a grief support group made up of mothers from both sides who have lost sons in the conflict. They come together as mothers not as Israelis or Palestinians.

In Somalia, during the 1993 war and famine, while the country fell into anarchy, one man collected orphans from the feeding centres. He educated, fed and protected them because he saw them as seeds of hope for a peaceful future. To date, he has taken care of 10,000 children.

In Rwanda, during the genocide, while neighbours killed each other, some stepped up and hid their friends from the killing squads.

In Canada, after his son was gunned down in the school hallways, a father forgave his son's killer and that act of peace has done more than bitterness ever could.

Even today, on the International Day of Peace, the Taliban and NATO agreed to hold a one-day ceasefire. Anything is possible.

Logically, I don't know if world peace is possible when humanity as a whole is left to it's own devices. But I do know that each day, I have a choice to live in peace with my neighbours, my self and my God. The golden rule, found in most religions, holds a key to peace. By treating others how we would like to be treated allows everyone to be equal. No one life is more valuable than an other life. Our nationality, ethnicity, income, religion, health or education does not equate a higher worth. We are all God's children and when one of us dies, God's heart weeps as should ours.

Peace is an individual journey we all must take. A benediction to close...

Love God
Love Others
Do it with all your heart
Go in peace

Monday, September 15, 2008

loaf and jug and stuff

It is a sad day in my community. The Loaf and Jug corner store has closed for reasons unknown. Where am I going to go to buy a litre of milk when I am in need? Of course, that litre of milk cost me $4.25 but it was the price of convenience. I bought my weekend newspaper at this store. Now I have to walk 2 extra blocks to the Esso. My life will never be the same again.

Ode to the Loaf & Jug.
You served the neighbourhood well.
You will be missed.

In other news... is my mom's birthday and I love her so very much. She endures my theories, encourages my ramblings and loves me unconditionally. Happy birthday, Marilyn "Martha Stewart" have influenced and molded me more than you will ever know.

(my mom & cordelia - two of my favs)

...I forgot a movie on my list last week...The Diving Bell & the Butterfly. I just don't know what movie to take off to keep the list at an even 100.

...I read a book that made me angry, made me weep, and made my heartbreak with the inhumanity of people. "An Imperfect Offering" by James Orbiniski talks abouts MSF (Doctors without Borders) work in the most dreadful places in the world. He discusses the role of humanitarian organizations in the 21st is controversial, it is infuriating but most of all, it reminded me of my own humanity - how every time I interact with another human, I have a choice on how I view and treat them. Are they my equal? Do I treat them with dignity and respect? Do I love?

...Just a reminder that next Sunday is the International Day of Peace - September 21st. Do something to bring peace to your world. Forgive a grudge, tell someone you love them, help a friend in need, protest the war. If you need inspiration, check out the Peace One Day website.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Ode to my family of list lovers

This summer, while out on the island visiting family, we discussed our top movies and whether or not we could come up with a list of our 100 top movies. We also wondered how many movies we have seen in our lifetime and realized that we had spent a great deal of time watching movies, going to movies, renting movies, choosing movies - especially since I didn't watch movies much before I was 16.
Anyhow, we sat around a pint or two of beer and scrawled our lists down on whatever paper I had in my bag - John, Nicole, Wendy & I - all lovers of the list. Nicole, my sister, blogged about it a while back and recently, she asked about my list and whether or not I had finalized for you, Nicole, here is my top 100 movie list (in alphabetical order, of course):
A Room with a View
About a Boy
Almost Famous
Annie Hall
Becoming Jane
Before Sunrise
Before Sunset
Bend it Like Beckham
Blood Diamond
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Breakfast Club
Bridget Jones Diary
Bruce Almighty
Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
Cinema Paradiso
Cool Hand Luke
Dead Man Walking
Dead Poets Society
Dear Frankie
Finding Nemo
Finding Neverland
Forrest Gump
Godfather I
Good Morning Vietnam
Grace is Gone
High Fidelity
Hope Floats
Hotel Rwanda
Il Postino
Into the Wild
It’s a Wonderful Life
Lars & the Real Girl
Lean on Me
Life is Beautiful
Little Miss Sunshine
Lord of the Rings
Love Actually
Much Ado About Nothing
My Fair Lady
O Brother Where art Thou?
Paris Je T'aime
Philedelphia Story
Power of One
Pride & Prejudice (Colin Firth)
Princess Bride
Rebel Without a Cause
Roman Holiday
Romeo & Juliet (Baz Luhrmann)
Run Lola Run
Sabrina (Audrey Hepburn)
Saving Private Ryan
Say Anything…
Scent of a Woman
Schindlers List
Sense & Sensibility
Shall We Dance (Japan)
Shawshank Redemption
Sliding Doors
Stranger Than Fiction
Strictly Ballroom
The Apostle
The Castle
The Commitments
The Constant Gardener
The English Patient
The Graduate
The Last King of Scotland
The Pianist
The Shop Around the Corner
The Sixth Sense
The Truman Show
The Usual Suspects
The Whale Rider
Thelma & Louise
To Kill a Mockingbird
Walk the Line
What's Eating Gilbert Grape?
When Harry met Sally

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Plan to be surprised

As many of you know, I like to plan. I like to prepare. My lists are part of my attempt to bring the chaos of life under control. However, during the last few weeks, a subtle lesson for life seeped slowly into my consciousness. Lessons often come from the least likely of places. Lessons often come at the most poignant moments.

This summer, when the brevity and fragility of life has never been so clear, I watched two movies that brought the message home. The first one was Bella. A wonderful film about redemption. The film opens with the line "if you want to make God laugh, make plans."

The second movie was "Dan in Real Life". A very funny movie about family, love and awkwardness of life. One of the characters in the movie say "Plan to be surprised. It is the only plan that ever really happens."

However, as with most life lessons, the knowledge and the application can be miles apart. I don't know how "planning to be surprised" really looks like in my life. I have a couple of situations right now where I would love to take control and plan next steps. But, I know all I need to do is wait because what happens next will be so different and probably better than I could imagine.

So, in preparation, I just pray "Lord, surprise me, Amen!"

Thursday, August 28, 2008

I have a dream

Here is the video from the Democratic Convention commemorating the 45th Anniversary of the March on Washington - "I have a dream".

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

a prayer for all - a fransican benediction

May God bless you with discomfort
At easy answers, half-truths, and superficial relationships
So that you may live deep within your heart.

May God bless you with anger
At injustice, oppression and exploitation of peopleS
o that you may work for justice, freedom and peace.

May God bless you with tears
To shed for those who suffer pain, rejection, hunger, and war
So that you may reach out your hand to comfort them
And turn their pain into joy.

And may God bless you with enough foolishness
To believe that you can make a difference in the world,
So that you can do what others claim cannot be done
To bring justice and kindness to all our children and the poor.


Monday, August 18, 2008

summer lovin'

My blogging ways have deteriorated over the past few weeks. It is a good thing I had some multiple blog entries in the past few months or I would be SOL for my "blogging consistently once per week" on my 101 list.

I blame the beautiful summer weather for my not blogging. I love summer. Patios and martinis. Visiting family (especially a particular niece & nephew). Sandals and sundresses. Sunshine. Popsicles and slurpees. Summer crushes. Suntans. Farmers markets and fresh produce.

This season of summer is moving too quickly. The days are getting shorter but I made the most of it today. It was 32 degrees out and I was on a golf course. Before those who know me die of laughter, I actually did alright and had some good shots which did surprise me.

Well, that is it for now. I must finish some real work for ChristmasFuture now. Okay...not real work...just some volunteer time writing for them. I will blog more about the charity at a later date.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

the random post

Just a day of sharing random stuff in my life (aka a demonstration on how my life is not as exciting as it appears on the outside)

1) New browser - Firefox - so much better than Explorer...really liking it

2) New external hard drive for music and is a wonder. My computer is working like a charm now...the new macbook may have to wait until I can actually afford it.

3) I watched the movie "Into the Wild" last night. If you haven't watched it yet, do it. Here are a few quotes I loved from the movie:
"If we admit that human life can be ruled by reason, then all possibility of life is destroyed. "
"When you forgive, you love. And when you love, God's light shines on you."
"Happiness - only real when shared."
"This is a love story that is staggering to everybody in the whole world - God really loves us a lot."

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


What is beauty? Is it in the eye or the ear or the spirit of the beholder? I believe so. defines beauty as:

1. the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest).

There are many things that I find beautiful in life. Here are a few that I encountered this summer so far:

1) The endless palette of green used in nature
2) The smile of a 4 year old with a mischievous grin
3) The face of a 91 year old woman with years of laughter, tears and wisdom etched on her face
4) A Saskatchewan thunderstorm
5) The pink light on the mountains at around 10 p.m. on a summer evening in Banff
6) The vulnerability of tears among friends
7) The face of a groom watching his bride come down the aisle
8) Matthew Barber's voice when he sings "Where the river bends"
9) Jim Cuddy smiling at me
10) New Canadians celebrating Canada Day and their new lives in Canada

Sunday, July 20, 2008


right now, my question to God is "really?"

while i am grateful for my deep faith, there are no answers.
another tragedy has struck friends - the nearest and dearest friends.
it makes me wonder if this is the summer of grief for those close to me.
my eyes have shed more tears in the last 2 months than in the past 5 years.

yesterday, at a wedding, I was laughing & dancing one moment and then dealing with a wave of grief in the next moment. the mystery of sorrow and joy as companions in life made sense yesterday. there is often pockets of joy in the depths of sorrow. Henri Nouwen (a favourite author of mine) writes about this paradox in his book "Can you drink the Cup?"

i need to re-read that book.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

a new toy

at heart, i think i am a graphic designer. if my career in community investment doesn't work out (or if one day i need a change - which is more likely), i think i will become a designer. i love the way words can be placed on a page and look alive. and yesterday, i found a toy on the internet that places words so beautifully on the page. it is called wordle. play with it one day and see how you can make words dance. i believe they are called word clouds.

here are a couple of my word clouds i made tonight:

this one i made to frame for my friends wedding on the weekend (just something to go with the generic and ubiquitous gift card)

this one is just the words from one of my favorite songs/poems "Phenomenal Woman"

Sunday, July 13, 2008

family visits

I am home from a road trip to my birthplace - Regina, Saskatchewan. My cousin Jen and I went to visit my Grandma as her health hasn't been stellar in recent months. It was a good road trip with the right music which makes any trip perfect. I also appreciate the conversations and the quiet spaces that our cousin/friendship allows.

My grandma and me by Wascana Lake in Regina

Our grandma was in better spirits and health than we expected. She was delighted to see us and had a number of pleasure outings for us to do. She practically wore us out.

While in Regina, we stayed with my aunt and uncle. It was fantastic to visit with them. I think that I get older, the more I appreciate family and my roots. It was a weekend full of stories and memories from everyone. Thank you Uncle Del & Aunty Ginny!

It is also fascinating to explore your childhood city through grown-up eyes. Jen and I browsed the Cathedral/13th Avenue district one morning and while there, we found info on the Regina Fringe Festival. So, in celebration of Jen's 31st birthday, we took in the "Wizard of One" show and then out for martinis at a restaurant called La Bodega.

The Cathedral - the namesake of the district in Regina

It was a quick 4 day trip (which included the 2 days of driving) but it was well worth it. I know the time I have with my grandma is drawing to a close. I learn so much from her everytime I visit her. She is a strong and gracious woman.

This is the view for most of the trip

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

show and tell

i was remembering back to grade school when you would bring a treasure to school and tell your classmates about it. i wonder why that was part of the school experience...perhaps to gain some public speaking skills. personally, i love sharing so here are some things I will show and tell with you.

1) no cupboard doors

a couple weeks ago, i was reading my addiction and one of the posts was about open shelving in the kitchen. thus inspired, i took some doors off my cupboards. after living with the open concept for awhile, i think i will keep it. there is plan to paint the walls and the backs of the open cupboards to make my dishes pop.

2) perks of the job

stampede is in full swing and one of the perks of my job is invitations to some parties around town. i went to one on sunday for pengrowth....and who was there? no other than my boyfriend jim cuddy from blue rodeo. yes, i was in the front row (on the grass) and yes, he smiled right at me. however, i forgot my camera and phone in the car so i have no proof of this intimate encounter but it was a good time. here is a picture of my boyfriend:

3) more pictures

my friend bobbi sent me her pictures of our trip to europe. i will be posting them on my picasa site shortly. check them out when you are bored sometime.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

I need more good news in my life

Sometimes it feels there is no good news these days. On Friday, I was in a conversation with someone who believes that the current economic situation (oil prices, food shortages, etc) is a pre-war economy and it is just evitable that the world will go to war.

In protest and to support my eternal hopefulness (and to reduce my cynical side to a mere whisper), I sent them a good news link and it made them smile. Maybe that is enough to give them hope for peace for at least today.

Speaking of peace, I need to get my DVD "Peace One Day" back from my manager. On September 21, people all over the world will celebrate peace. This year, I think I am going to host a potluck and we will watch the DVD and discuss whether peace is actually possible. I need to hope for peace.

Peace has definitely been my theme this year. That St. Francis prayer has infiltrated my life is so many ways. It is becoming harder to justify and whitewash selfishness when your prayer is to love and bring peace. I am learning more and more what it means to be an instrument of peace. Speaking of this year, I can't believe it is almost is June 29th. But it is proving to be a Good year. And when I use the word "good", I use it to mean God's definition of it - this year has been used for his purposes and not mine so much. Despite everything going on around the world, I rest in the fact that God is good and so are his mysterious purposes.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


The past week and a half have been difficult. Not only the news of an old friend taken at such a young age but then more tragic news in the life of another friend. While out for dinner last week, my friend received a call with news that her brother-in-law passed away. The next day when they told her mother about the tragedy, her mom suffered a stroke and died. The heartache I have for my friends is only an iota of their grief and I am often overwhelmed with tears. I didn't know how to write of this sadness.
A couple days ago, I thought I would just do happy blogs for the summer entitled "I love..."; for example, "I love BBQ's" and then list the reasons why I love those things. However, today I watched the video of my friend's memorial as I was unable to attend. In the service, over and over again, people spoke of Julian's love for them and that this love came from his great understanding of how much he was loved by God. He had a simple mandate in life "Love God, love kids". I often say "Love God & love others" are the two things that define my faith but I don't think I do either of them with all my heart, mind, soul and strength.
In the Gospel of John chapters 13 to 17, Jesus speaks to his disciples repeatedly about loving one another. In fact, he starts by serving them and demonstrating that love in a tangible way. If we say we love Christ, then we must love others and with a true caring spirit. We are called to a "love without agenda". This is love for all...even those who are hard to love. I don't know always how to love and showing my love for others makes me feel vulnerable. But that shouldn't matter. It didn't matter to Christ, and it didn't matter to Julian. Ju's love made an impact as clearly demonstrated on the facebook page established in his memory...nearly 1,500 people belong to it.
At the end of the memorial, his mentor gave this benediction:
Go in Peace
Serve the Lord
Love God
Love one another
Do it with all your heart

So this is my love blog.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


My day started with an early phone call from a friend.
The news she told me was sad.
A friend of ours from years past had been killed in a car accident.
His pregnant wife and 2 children survived.

The grief for his immediate family and wife overwhelmed me.
As well, there were tears for the hundreds of high school students he mentored during his 10 years of youth ministry.
The questions the students may ask...the lack of answers they may face.

Julian lit up a room with his joy for life and his love of others.
When you spoke with him, you felt filled with life.
He was one of the most genuine people I have ever met.

There are never the right words in these situation but in the words of Voltaire,"tears are the silent langauge of grief" and that is all i can offer.
My tears and prayers are pouring out due to the great sorrow his family now carry in their hearts.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Does our society feel more comfortable creating polar opposites or categories in order to make sense of our world? Do these definitions create boxes to put people into more easily? This post may not make sense because I mostly have questions right now.

  • Can someone be pro-life and pro-choice at the same time?
  • Can a woman be empowered and still look for a man?
  • Is there evolution within creation? Could God have used evolution to create?
  • Is it possible to be a feminist if you are a stay at home mom?
  • Is being dependent on someone the opposite of being an independent person?
  • Do we have to have our identity defined by our career, our marital status or our children rather than our character and person?

Just some thoughts bouncing around in my grey matter these days.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Yesterday, I went to see the movie "Sex & The City" with friends. The producers got the film right - in my humble opinion. It was a whole season of the show in one fabulous movie. Regardless of your views of the show and/or movie (which I loved), the underlining theme is the friendship between the four characters. Life isn't always the fairytale we think or life doesn't follow the schedule we plan but knowing you have people next to you as you figure it all out is a gift. Walking out of the theatre, I realized my women friends are amazing. It is easy to take them for granted as life gets busy but I have been blessed with supportive friends.

Thank you to each of my friends - my life would be only a fraction of what it is without you in it.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The pictures that some people are demanding I post on Picassa

For more pictures (and some duplicates from what I have already posted), please use this link:

I am not sure why it has in the address...very odd if you ask me. But as I am not a techy-person, I will not ask any questions about it and just accept it as it is.


Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Trip in Review - as a list of course

(Do you see me? I am in the Reichstag)
Despite my brief updates and introspective review of my trip, here is a fun list of what I did on my travels through Europe:
20 Days of Travelling
19 Hours in flight (give or take a couple of hours)
18 Days where I consumed at least one meal of meat and bread and cheese
17 Tube or train rides

16 Czech Korunas to one Canadian dollar (there is no easy conversion formula)
15 Days of decent weather when the sun shone for at least part of the day

14 Visits to grocery stores for breakfast or snack food
13 Different beers tasted
12 Modes of transportation taken

11 Kilometres walked each day (on average - and a total guess)
10 Prints/Pictures purchased to hang on my wall (now let's see if I will get around to framing them)
Rembrandt's "Adoration of the Shepherds" - National Gallery London
9 New journals purchased (Paperchase - my idea of heaven!)
8 Churches or Synagogues visited

7 Museums wandered through

6 Different chocolate brands sampled
5 Cities seen (Berlin, Potsdam, Prague, London & Oxford)
4 New airports visited (and added to my "40 Airports by the time I am 40 list")

3 Cemeteries walked through

2 Old Friends

1 - 30th Birthday celebrated (Yeah Bobbi)

0 Postcards sent