Saturday, November 22, 2008

Overheard conversations

I sometimes play a game when I am out at a coffee shop or restaurant. I call it "the first date" game. I watch couples and try to determine where they are in their relationship. The really fun ones to watch are the two people on a first date. I then determine from their body language whether or not there will be a second date. Earlier this week, I watched this guy and girl having coffee at one of my favorite coffee haunts - Kaffa and Salsa House. It was an obvious first date. The conversation seemed fairly fluid but not entirely comfortable. I think the girl liked him but perhaps going on dates is new for her. Her crossed arms on the table send one message but she is leaning forward. The guy was a bit nervous and talked quite a bit. His body sent mixed signals - sitting back in his chair but open. This is hard to decide. I think they were of the christian faith purely based on their clothes and body language (and choice of beverage). They were definitely talking about first date topics - travel, work, family. I think there will be a 2nd date. I don't know if playing this game is actually an act of judging. I just like creating stories about people. Here is my take on that girl - she is single because she has been committed to her studies and career. She looks about early 30's. He has recently decided that he needs to settle down in life and find a nice girl. They met on-line. She seems nice but not a lot of chemistry. I really shouldn't play this game because I am a disaster when it comes to dating. But it is fun to imagine other people's stories. Who knows if there will be date number 2...only the stars will know.

Eavesdropping is considered a rude habit however when one is journalling in a coffee shop, conversations are bound to be is another I heard at the same coffee shop.

This conversation was between a new mom and a mom-to-be (first time). They talked about cloth diapers and diaper rashes for 45 minutes. Is this interesting to mom's? The idea of ever participating in such a lengthy conversation about the color of a baby's bottom makes my ovaries shrivel. Seriously ladies, there is more to life than shit on diapers. .. there is wipes, change tables, pablum, toilet training, oh, the topics are really limitless. The mom-to-be looks like she may want to re-think her decision because she just realized what her conversations will be like for the next few years. Too late, lady! Maybe the idea of these conversations excite some women...each to their own.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do the same thing in coffee shops!! The most recent funny one I am convinced was a blind date--there was just NO WAY it would've happened otherwise. No 2nd date for that one. He looked like a washed-up jock and she looked like a librarian from the 80's who had just now ventured out. Anyway, Dean and I spent OUR date analyzing someone else's!

This doesn't solve any mystery, but I, too, am horrified by discussing diaper rash for 45 minutes.