Sunday, November 30, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Judging from the weather today, no one would believe that tomorrow is December. It was about 7 degrees Celsius today and absolutely beautiful. So it is hard to start thinking about Christmas and the season of advent. But this weekend, I solved this conundrum. Here are five easy steps to get into the Christmas spirit:

1) Pull out Christmas decorations and deck the halls

2) Listen to the Boney M Christmas album

3) Buy festive food. I bought mini mandarins. Aren't they adorable?

4) Invite people to a Christmas party. My 4th annual Christmas brunch is taking place in just 2 weeks.

(prep from last year's brunch)

5) Start thinking about gifts - this brings me great joy! I am making, buying or donating to charity for my Christmas presents this year. For the buying, I chose on-line purchases, of course - there is nothing like the crowds in the mall to make your Christmas spirit disappear. As for making gifts, my loved ones - you are in for a treat!! And most importantly, charity - my donations this year will be going to ChristmasFuture again.

By the way, as a reminder to my beloved relatives in the 'Bridge. I will be joining y'all for the Christmas festivities. Love you & can't wait for it.


Anonymous said...

'Yeah! she's coming!' As I said to Jon, what would Christas be without a Bateman or two! love to you, g

Jen L said...