Sunday, August 26, 2007

For Nicole Part deux

My sister, Nicole, made me a beautiful skirt earlier this summer and all I had to do was complete a buttonhole and make a drawstring thing-y (yes, that is the technical term). Nicole was sure it would take me a year to complete it. And honestly, I thought it may take me that long but thanks to this most productive weekend of sorting and fixing my wardrobe in preparation for fall, I completed the skirt. So, dear sister, this photo is for you. Thank you for your kindness! You inspire me in more ways than being productive. You have a generous heart!
(Please ignore the mirror that needs to be desperately cleaned - I may get to it in the next year or so.)

Saturday, August 25, 2007


(Credit: This picture is from her family's Picasa album)

This blog is dedicated to my sister Nicole who astounds me with her busy life. I am in awe of how she does it all without going insane (perhaps it is the insanity that keeps her going?)

So here is my Nicole Day...It is not even noon on Saturday morning and I feel I have accomplished so much on my to-do list. Have done laundry, made pancakes with strawberries(along with eggs and coffee for breakfast), read the newspaper, taken recycling to the depot, went to IKEA for a few necessities and returned books to the library. I know these are "v. exciting" tasks but who knows, with this high I am getting from my uber-productivity, I may even finish the drawstring on the skirt Nicole made for me instead of waiting a year to complete it.

Maybe this afternoon, I will do all my sewing projects (hemming pants, fixing buttons, etc), audit my wardrobe to make room for fall clothes, write my will, paint something, put hooks up in my bathroom, install a rod in my laundry room, plan a dinner party & Swap-a-rama for September... Oh the thrill of it all and there is still half a day to go!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Dedicated to the Peacemakers

Last night, I went to a home viewing of the documentary "I Know I'm Not Alone" - by musician Michael Franti. If you are irritated, frustrated, angry and saddened beyond comprehension at the human cost of war, this doc is for you.

In the film, Franti visits Baghdad, Israel and occupied Palestine to talk to people that are affected by war and occupation of troops. He plays his guitar and speaks with farmers, soldiers, musicians, mothers, doctors and children about their wishes, ideas and hopes for peace. Check out for more background.

If you do watch this doc, your view of war will be forever changed and your yearning for peace will overwhelm.

The pain of losing a loved one in war is the same no matter what side of the conflict you are on. One life lost is too much. Do economic, political or religious reasons for war justify the death of a child? If only everyone could see every person as their own brother, neighbour, mother, sister, father, child or friend....

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Perks of the Job

Tonight I was invited to see Josh Groban in concert at the Saddledome. I decided to go but not because I am a fan. (I only knew one of his songs which sadly or ironically I actually did not really even know as I called it "You Lift Me Up" and the song is actually "You Raise Me Up." ) But I digress.

I decided to go to the concert because I was going to be sitting in a private suite with unlimited food and drinks and a private bathroom and a straight on view of the stage. This is just one of the perks of my job - it is a tough gig but someone's got to do it. White wine and pizza, popcorn and Perrier - Good fun!

Actually, the concert was even pretty great. He had this amazing violinist - Lucia Micarelli who could rock out on the violin. I have never seen a violin played with such passion. And the other band members were quite captivating as well.

However, while all the women in the audience were oooing over Mr. Groban, his guitarist had my attention...that guy brought sexy to the Saddledome. The way he played his instrument was mesmerizing - his name is Tariqh Akoni - see Sorry, have a great voice but your friend Tariqh knows how to move. And that, my friends, is my review of the Josh Groban AWAKE tour concert in Calgary.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

God is in the details

I know beyond a shadow of a doubt God is involved in the details of our lives. The adoption of Zachary Light proves it for me. My cousin and his wife have a son and there are countless ways where God showed up at just the right place and time to orchestrate this adoption. This blog may not be the place to share all the connections and timings and although some people would say it is just coincidence, I would call it God. Little Zach will never lack love in his life. He is blessed as are we all with his arrival. To celebrate, a "Happy Adoption Day" celebration took place on August 6th in Lethbridge. Here are some pictures:

Daddy Jeremy tying balloons to the tree for the party

The man of the hour - little Zach - taking in all in stride.

Glenda, Jessica and her two girls singing "Welcome to the Family"
Zachary (in the plaid shirt) surrounded by a couple of his cousins.

Okay, so this picture has nothing to do with Zach's adoption but these dragonflies kept landing on me and I think they are beautiful...that is why I included it.

I do not claim to understand how God can be involved in the minute and the cosmos simultaneously but in the same way I do not comprehend free will and his plan for my life. However, this is why I am in awe of God on a continual basis. Not understanding allows me to worship. Seeking to understand causes me to love. What I know for sure is God is good and he does want his children to have joy!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Photos of the fun

Here are some pictures of my summer thus far:

This is a scene from my friend Punam's docu-drama she filmed in Edmonton. I was a production assistant on set. For more information about the film, check out

The windmill farm I came across on my way to the Great Canadian Barn Dance. There is something beautiful about these machines.

My sister Wendy. On my way to Vancouver Island, I popped by Vancouver to see her...she was not so cooperative with the pictures. Sorry Wendy! It is the only picture I have of you from my trip.

My mom and I on Qualicum was a blustery day as you can tell from our hair - especially mine. We walked along the beach and got quite wet wading in the tidal pools.

The feet of Cordelia, Nan, Papoo and Aunty Sara taken by a 3 1/2 year old little girl named Cordelia.

Speaking of the 3 1/2 year old, she loved the game "You can't take a picture of me"...I won!

I really don't favor my niece over my nephew but I have no great pics of Judah because he is always so active...running or biking. Here is Miss Cordelia and Aunty Sara again.