Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Perks of the Job

Tonight I was invited to see Josh Groban in concert at the Saddledome. I decided to go but not because I am a fan. (I only knew one of his songs which sadly or ironically I actually did not really even know as I called it "You Lift Me Up" and the song is actually "You Raise Me Up." ) But I digress.

I decided to go to the concert because I was going to be sitting in a private suite with unlimited food and drinks and a private bathroom and a straight on view of the stage. This is just one of the perks of my job - it is a tough gig but someone's got to do it. White wine and pizza, popcorn and Perrier - Good fun!

Actually, the concert was even pretty great. He had this amazing violinist - Lucia Micarelli who could rock out on the violin. I have never seen a violin played with such passion. And the other band members were quite captivating as well.

However, while all the women in the audience were oooing over Mr. Groban, his guitarist had my attention...that guy brought sexy to the Saddledome. The way he played his instrument was mesmerizing - his name is Tariqh Akoni - see Sorry, have a great voice but your friend Tariqh knows how to move. And that, my friends, is my review of the Josh Groban AWAKE tour concert in Calgary.


The Chatty Housewife said...

Oh I would have loved to be there. Sounds like it was really cool!

Amy said...

Sara, you are fabulous, this entry has you written all over it, it made me smile

nicole said...

you lucky sister you...i am green!