Monday, September 15, 2008

loaf and jug and stuff

It is a sad day in my community. The Loaf and Jug corner store has closed for reasons unknown. Where am I going to go to buy a litre of milk when I am in need? Of course, that litre of milk cost me $4.25 but it was the price of convenience. I bought my weekend newspaper at this store. Now I have to walk 2 extra blocks to the Esso. My life will never be the same again.

Ode to the Loaf & Jug.
You served the neighbourhood well.
You will be missed.

In other news... is my mom's birthday and I love her so very much. She endures my theories, encourages my ramblings and loves me unconditionally. Happy birthday, Marilyn "Martha Stewart" have influenced and molded me more than you will ever know.

(my mom & cordelia - two of my favs)

...I forgot a movie on my list last week...The Diving Bell & the Butterfly. I just don't know what movie to take off to keep the list at an even 100.

...I read a book that made me angry, made me weep, and made my heartbreak with the inhumanity of people. "An Imperfect Offering" by James Orbiniski talks abouts MSF (Doctors without Borders) work in the most dreadful places in the world. He discusses the role of humanitarian organizations in the 21st is controversial, it is infuriating but most of all, it reminded me of my own humanity - how every time I interact with another human, I have a choice on how I view and treat them. Are they my equal? Do I treat them with dignity and respect? Do I love?

...Just a reminder that next Sunday is the International Day of Peace - September 21st. Do something to bring peace to your world. Forgive a grudge, tell someone you love them, help a friend in need, protest the war. If you need inspiration, check out the Peace One Day website.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the tribute, oh my darling daughter! xxooooooox

Bobbi said...

I love all the things you cover in this post. What breadth! I just saw The Diving Bell . . . last weekend. What a film! Truly inspirational and stunning.

Jen L said...

Not the Loaf and Jug!!! At least Tim's is still close. They just need to start selling milk and newspapers.