Sunday, September 21, 2008

random thoughts and quotes on peace

Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal.
- Martin Luther King Jr

"Peace is not something you wish for; It's something you make, Something you do, Something you are, And something you give away.
- Robert Fulghum

I have been thinking a lot about peace this year. Even though my year theme is the prayer of St. Francis "Lord, make me an instrument of your peace", I am still amazed how often peace comes up in conversations, movies and books. During the past few months, I realized I am both a realist and an idealist when it comes to peace. The track record of humanity is not encouraging when it comes to world peace. And since past behaviour often indicates future patterns, it is easy to give up hope. I understand that humanity as a whole may never have peace but yet, I have hope because each day, every person has the ability to choose peace. And each day, there are people that choose to live in peace with their neighbours...efforts are made towards peace.

In Israel and Palestine, there is a grief support group made up of mothers from both sides who have lost sons in the conflict. They come together as mothers not as Israelis or Palestinians.

In Somalia, during the 1993 war and famine, while the country fell into anarchy, one man collected orphans from the feeding centres. He educated, fed and protected them because he saw them as seeds of hope for a peaceful future. To date, he has taken care of 10,000 children.

In Rwanda, during the genocide, while neighbours killed each other, some stepped up and hid their friends from the killing squads.

In Canada, after his son was gunned down in the school hallways, a father forgave his son's killer and that act of peace has done more than bitterness ever could.

Even today, on the International Day of Peace, the Taliban and NATO agreed to hold a one-day ceasefire. Anything is possible.

Logically, I don't know if world peace is possible when humanity as a whole is left to it's own devices. But I do know that each day, I have a choice to live in peace with my neighbours, my self and my God. The golden rule, found in most religions, holds a key to peace. By treating others how we would like to be treated allows everyone to be equal. No one life is more valuable than an other life. Our nationality, ethnicity, income, religion, health or education does not equate a higher worth. We are all God's children and when one of us dies, God's heart weeps as should ours.

Peace is an individual journey we all must take. A benediction to close...

Love God
Love Others
Do it with all your heart
Go in peace

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