Sunday, March 1, 2009

February updates

Despite being consumed with buying a new car, I still managed to fill my life with all sorts of fun things this past month. Did February just fly by v. quickly for everyone or is it just me? I was supposed to get into full 1/2 marathon training this month but have just really started this past week. Today, I did a 9.5 km run by the Bow was a mild day and one of those days that make you hopeful that spring will indeed arrive. 

These shoes will begin to look a lot worse as we near May. But if I stick to the training schedule, I should be able to run that evil 21 km on May 31. My co-runner, Christine, shared this great motivating quote - "One day I will not be able to do this. Today is not that day." I need to remind myself that I have my health and can run so must enjoy it. 

For Valentine's Day weekend, I was surrounded by love. Friday evening to Sunday afternoon, I stayed at a cabin in the foothills with a group of wonderful people. We basically ate great food, drank quite a bit of wine but most of all, just enjoyed being away from the busyness of life. It was lovely. 
Last weekend, I had the opportunity to help my friend, Punam, with her newest film production. We interviewed people who excel at their chosen trade. It is a new film called Vocare and it is about finding your voice and passion within your vocation. I will keep you posted. But if you would like to see information about her last film The Lesson, follow the link. Or if you are on Facebook, join for Punamarts for updates. 

Also in this past month, I enjoyed the most wonderful of all massages at The Spa Ritual - a hot stone massage. I actually relaxed which for me is no small feat. I am almost never relaxed (must work on that!!) I need to go is like crack. Once you have this massage, nothing will ever compare.

Well, we are already a full day into March...I wonder what it will hold. I will attempt to update more often or at least as the Spirit moves :-).

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