Sunday, July 8, 2007

Life is just good!

My life is fact, my life is truly great!

- My job - I love it and was given a raise last week, completely out of the blue.
- Good friends - I spend the weekend celebrating life at a Stampede party, BBQ and a Sunday morning brunch.
- A great friend - I talked with Amy who is living in Istanbul - I love the fact that we can still talk about the big things in life even when we are 9158 kms apart.
- I have met someone who makes me laugh and smile even when he is not near me!
- My Family - In 11 days, I get to hug, squeeze, see and laugh with those I love most dearly.
- I have my health.
- My little home - it feels like a hug at the end of the day when I walk in.
- Cousins & what-not - In 5 days, I will celebrate my cousin's 30th b-day with a hoe-down, shindig - good fun! And hopefully within the week, my other cousin and wife will have a baby in their home which will bring even greater celebration.

This blog is not meant to be a brag essay but a sharing of a realization that God as my Father wants me to be joyful. I can feel happy and blessed because his gifts to me. Sometimes there is a perception that God is just sitting in heaven plotting on how he can wreak havoc in our lives but that is a wrong view of God. He is not waiting to ruin our lives so we can be miserable. Yes, life is not always easy... I know there will be times ahead that life will not seem as carefree as it is right now but why worry about that time? Wouldn't worrying steal the joy from today and really add nothing to tomorrow? I think Jesus actually said something along those lines once! I only hope that when life is tough and it is harder to see the blessings that I will choose joy amidst the trials.


nicole said...

indeed and amen. Life is good. God is good.
can't wait to see you in about 10 days or so. have fun at the hoedown...I wasn't invited!

The Chatty Housewife said...

For a while, I was keeping a journal where I listed things I was thankful for. I guess it's other use is in showing me how good the Lord really is and how he blesses us in so many ways. I am thankful that he is blessing so many today.... He really cares about each and every one of his flock.

So who is having a baby?

Amy.E said...

Hi Cousin! I'm glad you've kept up this blog post-trip. We are hearing from Jon that you are enjoying life and are full of happiness. Love to hear it!