Sunday, October 14, 2007

Take a walk when autumn comes to town

Autumn Song

Leaves of brown they fall to the ground
And it's here, over there leaves around
Shut the door, dim the lights and relax
What is more, your desire or the facts

Pitter patter the rain falling down
Little glamor sun coming round
Take a walk when autumn comes to town.
(Van Morrison)

Today, upon the suggestion of my sister, I took a walk down in Fish Creek Park on this lovely fall day. Around every corner, memories from my childhood and youth greeted me. I loved this park growing up...the long summer days of riding our bikes from Babo Grove to Sikome Lake...the winter picnics with friends during high school...walks as a family on Sunday afternoons. Wandering the paths makes you forget there is a city with a million citizens just over the hill. I realize I need to visit this park more often. With the mountains in my backyard and Fish Creek Park on my doorstep, there is no excuse for not enjoying it, especially in the fall. Many of the leaves are gone now but there is still so much beauty in the barreness of the trees.


nicole said...

ahh...Fish Creek Park!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, Sara, good for you to be out enjoying the autumn splendour! Thanks to this wretched cold, I have abondoned exercise that involves heavy breathing(ie. up and down the coulee hills) but have loved the more leisurely strolls in the river bottom, the crunch of leaves underfoot, the brilliant yellow of sun on poplar (we still have leaves), the fifteen minutes of stillness as the river gurgles past. A gift! wow

The Chatty Housewife said...

I agree that there is so much beauty in a bare tree. There is something about the grey colors and the silhouette that I love.