Monday, February 18, 2008

it isn't easy being green

As mentioned in my post yesterday, I painted my bedroom. And, I think I like the new color. I knew I had accepted it when I made art and pillows to go with the new look. I find the color changes with the light.

Here is the look:

Here is some of the art/pillows I made (Nicole, you may want to take note of the fabric used in the large canvas above the bed and the small pillows on the bed - thanks!). There are a few more art projects for the room stirring in my mind...will keep you posted.

And if you need a reminder that spring is on its way, I find there is no better way than a bouquet of tulips just for you. Safeway usually has bunches on for something like $4. Fabulous pick-me-up during the winter doldrums.


Jen L said...

love the walls dear. they give me hope that spring is actually near.

Anonymous said...

it looks great!

Amy.E said...

Love the green!

nicole said...

lovely! can't wait to see it in person!

Bobbi said...

Sar, I just love your style. Everything looks so beautiful and at home in that space. Enjoy.

Amy said...

just beautiful Sara, if I ever have my own space again, I'd be tempted to fly you out here just to decorate it for me!

Anonymous said...

Once again, you have inspired me...I bought myself tulips this week! Love you. g