Sunday, October 18, 2009

long time gone

During the past month, I haven't been able to afford the luxury of writing on my blog. Mostly my busyness is around work events, wrapping up year-end and getting prepared for the Olympic torch relay (we are sponsors). This work thing sometimes can get in the way of my real life but it does provide some exciting opportunities. Below are some high-lights and low-lights that I may blog about in greater detail at a later date. FYI - there are no photos because that is another luxury time did not afford me.

Film Premiere - What Are We Doing Here? - interesting film on aid to Africa asking the question - is it really helping? I left the film with more questions than answers but that was the point of the film.

Trip to Yellowknife - What a beautiful city in the fall. I gave away a $40,000 grant to an after-school program, announced a torch bearer team and attended the Champions for Children Gala. Hung out with Donovan Bailey, Adam Kreek, Ben Rutledge and Fiona Smith-Ball - you know, the usual life stuff. Also had the Yellowknife cultural experience at the Gold Range bar.

Girls Night Out - Bollywood Style - a fundraiser for "Room to Read". Best event I have attended in years. I go to many events each year with my job and this one surprised, thrilled and energized me in ways I did not expect. I can't wait until next year.

Trip to Lethbridge - yummy thanksgiving food and lovely family time. Just love those people in the 'bridge. They pour love into my life and my cup overflows.

Mars Hill Bible Church podcast on "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." - Can't get enough of this sermon. I have listened to it four times now and am filled with gratitude that God is with me in my ache for all that is not right in the world and in myself. God is not waiting for me to get it all together and be holy before blessing me. God is blessing me in my questions, my doubts, my yearning for the redemption of this broken world. Download the podcast on itunes and listen.

Obama's peace prize - all I have to say is that peace is not an achievement but a way of living and on-going understanding and love of those who appear to disagree with us.
"One day we must come to see that peace is not merely a distant goal we seek, but that it is a means by which we arrive at that goal. We must pursue peaceful ends through peaceful means."

Trip #1 to Edmonton (& Edson) - work related - v. little excitement besides the advent of winter driving on terrible icy roads.
Trip #2 to Edmonton - a day after returning from Edmonton trip #1, I turned around and drove back up for a funeral. A dear friend's father passed away. It is hard to wrap your mind around the fact that I am in the life phase where we begin to say goodbye to the generation before us.

Leadership Calgary - am fully into the program now and am devouring the reading requirements as we begin to think about our thinking [aka "existential outward bound"] Recently finished "Deep Survival" and am currently reading "Mistakes Were Made (but not by me)". I am really enjoying getting to know the people in the course - they want to change the world. Great conversations!

As you can see, I am still alive but ready for a break. I am looking forward to a few days off next week when I head to BC to see my boyfriend Bono, my sister Wendy, my parents and some good friends. However, before I leave on my short break, I am volunteering for the Arab Film Fest and attending a grant making conference. So, just a quick glimpse into my life these days...I hope to blog more often but we shall see.


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