Sunday, February 3, 2008

so much information

Does anyone else feel like there is way too much information coming at us? I heard a couple of weeks ago that the amount of information in the world that is actually written down (not in our heads) doubles every 11 hours. How is one supposed to keep on top of trends and information?
I love information and facts and a lot of the things I know are rather pointless such as you can only fold a piece of paper in half a maximum of 7 times no matter how large or thin the paper is.

I digress...

It is at work that I feel overwhelmed by the amount of information to read, process, store and also have the ability to recall on a moment's notice when your manager asks about it. There needs to be a retention/recall strategy for my brain. I recently discovered I read fairly fast - approx. 527 words a minute with comprehension. I get the big picture of what I read but if someone is to ask me about the details, that is where my mind fails me.

I also heard that your inbox is a manifestation of your mind. If you were to see my work email, I would probably be committed to an institution. Thank goodness for a search function. Perhaps that is what my brain needs - a search mechanism. The required information is somewhere deep inside the mind.

Ironically, I do Sudoku and Crossword puzzles which are supposed to keep your mind sharp and memory good.


Jen L said...

I agree with you on the info overload and I think that work situations are the worst. Not only do we have all this information but we are expected to act on all the different programs and options and as a result, we spread ourselves so thin that nothing gets done.

Amy.E said...

Funny - crossword puzzles help me fall asleep! I hope that doesn't mean that I'm missing the mind sharpening benefit!

Your information overload topic reminds me of the mental picture of one's mind being an island full of penguins. Only so many penguins fit on that island. Once at max capacity, if another penguin is added, an existing one is bound to fall off. Sadly, my island seems to be slowly shrinking - we'll blame that on global warming.

nicole said...

i smile at you!

nicole said...

i think the quote is...
if wishes were horses beggars would ride with beautiful women by their side...
as per our conversation