1) The play "Enchanted April"...the story is of 4 English women in the 1920's who rent a villa in Italy for the month of May. I went with 3 of my friends for a girls night out. It was wonderful. I can't wait for my European adventure in just 2 1/2 months. The actress who played Mrs Graves (a older, stick-in-the mud character) was no other than the actress who played Mrs. Rachel Lynde. Anne and Italy all in one evening - what could be better. Also at the play, I ran into two people I hadn't seen in awhile...Candida, my old neighbour in Bridgeland and Kathy, a co-worker from my Safeway days. I love running into people when I am out and about...especially people I like.
2) I talked to my beloved friend Amy who lives in Turkey. There is something about a conversation with her that lifts the spirits. I do wish we lived closer than the 9300 km between us. Thank goodness for technology and good phone deals. We both can call with no long distance charges thanks to the digital age. This is Amy and I camping a couple years ago.

3) I re-painted my bedroom. The saga continues as I have been struggling with the right color for ages. This week , I settled on a Benjamin Moore green "Stem Green" which I saw on a wall at Pottery Barn but when I went to get the paint, I realized that color would be way too vibrant. I settled for a more subtle green "Potporri Green". I didn't like the name and was worried it may be too mint green but went for it anyhow. Now that the room is painted, I quite like it. I think it was the color I was seeking all along. I have my art to make & hang, I have pillows to make of the fabric Nicole gave me for Christmas, and I have a bit more organization to do before I will post pictures....but they will be posted. I promise!
Oh, in closing, I have a new addiction to share with you - a website called Apartment Therapy. Those of you with small spaces or those who like to DIY, this site is for you. Check out the tours, the links, the beautiful things.
1 comment:
highlight of my week too my friend:)
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