Now, don't worry I am not going to bare my soul here. There is a time and place for that but I am thinking that a public blog is not that time or place. But these are just a few things I find joy in and wanted to share with the one or two people that have nothing better to do than read my ramblings. (thank you for reading by the way!)
The first thing I want to share is Postsecret. Check it out It started innocently as an art installation and it has taken a life of its own. Every Sunday, the site is updated with 20 new secrets. Anonymous people send in their secrets. In these secrets lie our humanity. In reading them, it amazes me how similar we all are. Not to mention, the site satisfies the spy in me. It gives a glimpse of others. Here is an example:

My second thing to share would be what I would put on a Postsecret card. I secretly love to watch the New York Sunday Times Wedding/Celebration videos. They are 4 minute (approx.) videos on how a couple meets and falls in love and gets engaged. If you ever doubt love or its existence in our world, I challenge you to watch these videos and not have a smile on your face at the end of each one. There is a new video every Sunday and even a cynic like me believes in love afterwards.
My third thing to share is the Blogger Play tool. My fellow bloggers may have seen this on Blogger but if you have a few minutes, click on this It displays in real time the images posted on blogs around the world. Similar to Postsecret, it makes you realize that no matter where we live, what we do for a living, who our family is, we are all human and there is much that unites us. Often I find time slips quickly by as the pictures mesmerize me in the "slideshow" - it reminds me there is alot of goodness and love in the world.
Do you remember show & tell from elementary school? You would share something that was really valuable to you. Well, this is my show & tell for today.
Thank you for sharing! I knew about the others, but had never seen the NYTimes link, thank you!
Sara, you are just the source of all things amazing! g
Loved the C.S. Lewis quote and immediately shared it with a friend! Thanks!
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