Tuesday, October 16, 2007

random ramblings of a crazed mind

This may be a dis-jointed, rambling, ranting or non-sensical blog because my mind is fairly jumbled these days. Work is fabulous but I have never been so busy or worked so hard before in my career. The great thing is the end of this craziness is nearer than it was yesterday - it will be over November 2 and then it will die down to a normal busyness. I was going to provide a play-by-play of the insanity but once I wrote it, it was actually quite annoying and slightly boring. So instead, here are some thoughts to share with you:

  • On Monday, Calgary had it's municipal election. My protest vote regarding our mayor didn't really make an impact but I voted none the less. A small rant here- I do not understand why there was only 24% voter turnout... for starters, 100 years ago, as women we were not considered people and thus could not vote - we should vote purely because we have the right to! The apathy drives me batty. Also, you have no right to complain if you don't vote.
  • Also on Monday, I attended a fundraiser for women in Afghanistan. At the event, there was a photo exhibition from recent elections in Afghanistan. It showed Afghan women striving to make a difference while still facing extreme dangers. One of the photos showed a long line-up of Afghan women waiting to vote because they finally had a voice. Now, there is a country struggling to become a democracy and the women recognize they have the right, the privilege and the duty to speak up. This gives us yet another reason why we should vote in Canada.
  • At the VIP reception of the above mentioned fundraiser, we had the chance to meet David Suzuki. But I passed on the opportunity because the desire to meet famous people baffles me. And really, what was I going to say to him.... "uh, I take the bus to work and recycle (sometimes)?" Well, since the crowd around him was on the larger side, there were less people at the food tables which had lots of yummy Afghan food....a much more satisfying experience for us. Funny enough, David Suzuki did flip my colleague the bird...okay, not really, he just happened to be scratching his face with his middle finger as he walked past us.
  • Today, I discovered there is no better way to start a day than with a cup of Second Cup Butter Pecan flavoured coffee and a business meeting with a v. good looking man. And there is no better way to spend a lunch hour than with fast-food Japanese cuisine and conversations with intelligent women.
  • I have learned a lesson in the past couple of weeks - when you have gone to bed and are in the semi-conscious state of half-sleep, don't call yourself at work or write yourself a note to remind yourself about something seemingly important. It will end up being a scrawled note like "Baby carrots online" or a crazy voicemail about writing to your step-brother in Saudi Arabia. Yes, I write this from personal experience. I did save the voicemail to remind myself not to take myself or my work too seriously. After all, it is just giving away money and not life & death.
Speaking of giving away money, tomorrow I will be driving to Edmonton to do just that - I truly love my job!

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