There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. -- Albert Einstein
Leadership Calgary
During the past year, a number of people encouraged me to apply for the 2009/2010 Leadership Calgary program. It is a program developing leaders in the city to re-think societal and community problems. I went through the application and interview process. Last Thursday, I received the call telling me I was accepted into the program. Colleagues and friends who have taken this course are forever changed. It shifts their view point on their lives and the world. In light of this, I am nervously excited with anticipation to begin this learning journey.
Calgary 1/2 Marathon
On Sunday, I completed my first half marathon in 2:19:42. It was a beautiful day to run with perfect conditions when we started at 7am. The sun was just peeking over the horizon and there was a gentle breeze to keep us cool. My favorite moment was not completing the race but the beginning. The only sound for the first kilometre was the sound of 4,000 pairs of shoes hitting the pavement. The syncopation of the sound was so incredible. At the same time, as far as the eye could see, there was a sea of runners all moving in the same direction and I was in the middle of them.
My friend Christine and I ran the race together. There were some walls we had to break through but we finished strong. I was expecting more euphoria at the end but it was more a quiet pride and a massive relief that we finished the race in one piece.

My lovely friend Claire is getting married in July. To celebrate, Punam and I threw a non-traditional stagette to pamper the bride and ourselves. A facial and full manicure for the bride and mini-manis for the friends. It was a relaxing afternoon catching up and chilling with food and bubbly.
The bride receiving her pampering
Two year anniversary
I received a small gift from the bank in recognition of my 2 years with them. I truly love my job and am passionate about my career in philanthropy. Every day my life intersects with people wanting to change the world and I get to help them along the way. I am truly blessed. I wish someone told me in high school that this career existed. Maybe I wouldn't have taken 10 years to find it.
Red Snapper - Yucatan Style
I finally took a cooking class. It has been something on my to-do list for years and is listed on my 101 things. Done. Check. On May 23rd, my friend Nikki and I learned how to cook real Mexican food. It was a hands-on class and our portion of the meal was a red snapper yucatan style. So much fun! I will most likely take another class.
Upcoming trip
Only 3 more sleeps and I leave on another adventure - this time to Istanbul and the UK Lake District. Because my life is full to overflowing these days, there hasn't been much time to fully anticipate but the excitement is starting to seep in as I begin making piles for the trip. Stay tuned - I hope to post updates while traveling.
Interesting websites I recently discovered
lol I look a bit comatose from that angle... My dear I am truly sorry for bringing another site into your life that threatens to suck precious hours of productivity away.. but then again you WILL be on the cutting edge of all memes from now on.
Congrats on the marathon, I am in awe..
There is something about taking a long time to get somewhere that makes the journey even more interesting (in relation to the career - not the marathon =)
congrats Sara on it all. I am excited to hear about your trip. You are fab.
A blessed and fascinating life, my dear. Have a wonderful adventure in Europe! Love to you. g
Fun to hear about the exciting events - accomplished and upcoming - in your life. It makes me happy in general to hear someone talk about enjoying the life she is living.
I'm looking forward to some trip posts since I travel vicariously through others!
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