No, this post isn't about the new man in my life. Last week, through a random link somewhere in the blogosphere, I stumbled across the site ted.com. It is my type of site...the sharing of ideas - good ideas - gets my blood moving. I have only just begun exploring the talks on the site. Basically, experts in various fields share their ideas on how to solve world issues or just inspire people. Two of the videos which have stood out as my favourites so far are:
- Barry Schwartz on our loss of wisdom
- Elizabeth Gilbert on creativity
After I post this entry, I plan to watch Seth Godin's talk on Tribes - I know my life is tremendously exciting.
In Elizabeth Gilbert's video, she talks about our creativity not coming from within us but from an external source. She says something along these lines:
"Maybe if you never happen to believe that the most extraordinary aspects of your being came from you but rather believe that they are on loan to you maybe from an unimaginable source for a portion of your life to be passed along when you are finished to someone else."
This thought really can free up our creativity to just create because it is not just our self that is creating but an external force...watch the video...my thoughts about this will make more sense.
Sometimes I feel there is so much in the world that I want to learn, to know, to think about, to debate, to create, and to discuss. I realize the catch-22 of our generation is our access to ideas and information is exponentially greater than past generations but we will never be able to learn it all. I suppose our option are to either avoid new ideas and stay with what we already know or rather to embrace whatever we can catch from the fire hydrant of wonderous ideas coming at us. I am not sure if you have seen the Shift Happens (aka Did You Know?) video making the rounds. Last week, I was teaching Grade 9 students about the Economics of Success (basically a stay in school/future planning day) and I shared this video with them. It wasn't meant to scare them but to make them think differently. Follow the link because Shift Happens.
makes me say, hmmm. food for thought. TED is awesome!
It is great that you found the TED talks. I have tickets for Sir Ken Robinson when he is here in June. He has one of my favorite talks. Isabelle Allede's is very good too (and Evelyn Glennie).
Thanks Sara for a link to a great time waster. No - rather time enhancer. I just finished listening to the creativity one. I will keep on showing up and doing my part. It is a good reminder in all aspects of life. Jen
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