Sunday, December 28, 2008

more substantial update

The year is over and 2009 is already a week old. I was ready to close the door on 2008 as it contained some dark hours of immense sorrow. However, there were days of joy and life especially as the year ended. December was a wonderful month as I took time to really enjoy the advent of Christmas - A time for hope and the realization that hope is not the enemy when disappointments come but hope is what gives us strength to hold on for a more perfect tomorrow. 

For the first time in years, I was ready for the holidays a week prior and anxiously awaited them just like my 6-year old self. In preparation of the holidays, I attended The Nutcracker Ballet, A Christmas Carol play, attended a handful of Christmas parties, and threw my annual holiday brunch. There is something that happens at this time of year where people do open their hearts and minds just a bit wider and allow grace and love to enter. This year, I also coordinated a gift drive for women and their children escaping domestic violence. We took the gifts to the shelter with holiday baking and had a Christmas party with them. If anything, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am blessed in my life.

Well, as with each year, I find a theme to meditate on. For 2009, it is "be surprised." I don't really know what that means but it probably has to do with me letting go of controlling everything and just letting life be what it is or will be. But as I found with my "peace" theme last year, it will be revealed to me through many strange coincidences and events.

2009 is starting off with excitement as I am heading off to San Francisco to visit my dear beloved's down there. It was one of those "surprises" I didn't know was going to happen. I am truly looking forward to the trip and not just because I can shop at Target and Anthropologie.

The year also holds some adventure. I have signed up for my 1/2 marathon in May (I have the race date correct & have running buddies to get me to the race on the right day). I also plan to travel to Turkey with my lovely mother and then do a walking tour of England with my mom and my sisters in June. I am thrilled about that. 

One thing I do know is that regardless of what 2009 holds is that I have people who love me that are willing to walk beside me through life. Below is a picture of two girlfriends that I have learned to appreciate and love on a whole new level this year. My heart is full of gratitude for the friendship they offer me - Thank you!!

cc, me & pk

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right back at you miss sara! It has been quite the year and I am thankful I was able to ride the roller coaster with you in there screaming along with me.. whooooaaaahhhwhoooooaaaaahwhoaaaaaawhoaaaa..
You are an amazing person, I admire you for the intentional way you take on new challenges, and that you even invite them into your life because you know they will make you a more complete person. I'm looking forward to another fab year on the coaster, wheeeeee...