Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Yes, they did

Tonight, I and a few poli-geeks crashed the Democrats Abroad party and celebrate a history-making moment. With a beer in hand and CNN on the TV, we watched until there was no doubt that Barack Obama would be the next president. I had a strange desire to cry with joy and laugh the audacity of it all at the same moment. It feels like the whole world's trajectory has been shifted. Hope for change - that is the core of human existence.
The other inspiration of the day was the huge voter turnout. Americans used their voice and power to be heard...if only all democratic countries (hello Canada!) would understand that each vote matters.


Madame Bluestocking said...

Unless, of course, you're in Idaho. Overwhelmingly red and only 4 electoral votes anyway. I'm in the wrong state.

Anonymous said...

I heard about the Democrats Abroad party (good old CBC!)..how fun for you. And yes, quite a dramatic contrast on the voter interest and turn out.
There is certainly a charisma and sense of hope there....reminiscent of the Kennedy era,I think. (But then, I am old!) It will be most interesting to watch as it works out in the days ahead. Stay tuned! g