Sunday, August 31, 2008

Plan to be surprised

As many of you know, I like to plan. I like to prepare. My lists are part of my attempt to bring the chaos of life under control. However, during the last few weeks, a subtle lesson for life seeped slowly into my consciousness. Lessons often come from the least likely of places. Lessons often come at the most poignant moments.

This summer, when the brevity and fragility of life has never been so clear, I watched two movies that brought the message home. The first one was Bella. A wonderful film about redemption. The film opens with the line "if you want to make God laugh, make plans."

The second movie was "Dan in Real Life". A very funny movie about family, love and awkwardness of life. One of the characters in the movie say "Plan to be surprised. It is the only plan that ever really happens."

However, as with most life lessons, the knowledge and the application can be miles apart. I don't know how "planning to be surprised" really looks like in my life. I have a couple of situations right now where I would love to take control and plan next steps. But, I know all I need to do is wait because what happens next will be so different and probably better than I could imagine.

So, in preparation, I just pray "Lord, surprise me, Amen!"


The Chatty Housewife said...

I loved the Movie Bella, but haven't seen Dan in Real Life... thanks for the suggestion. :)

nicole said...


Jen L said...

I hope that your autumn is full of wonderful suprises after your summer of sorrow. Love you lots and I will see you thanksgiving. YEAH!!

Anonymous said...

Saw Bella when it first came here (to the movie mill - I had been watching for of my artsy moments?) Loved it. I'll look forward to Dan....
I didn't realize you were heading out Sunday a.m....didn't say a proper good bye, or get a good chat! Glad you got a visit with j,c and z.
Maybe the thing about surprises is just to be WILLING to be surprised.