Sunday, July 13, 2008

family visits

I am home from a road trip to my birthplace - Regina, Saskatchewan. My cousin Jen and I went to visit my Grandma as her health hasn't been stellar in recent months. It was a good road trip with the right music which makes any trip perfect. I also appreciate the conversations and the quiet spaces that our cousin/friendship allows.

My grandma and me by Wascana Lake in Regina

Our grandma was in better spirits and health than we expected. She was delighted to see us and had a number of pleasure outings for us to do. She practically wore us out.

While in Regina, we stayed with my aunt and uncle. It was fantastic to visit with them. I think that I get older, the more I appreciate family and my roots. It was a weekend full of stories and memories from everyone. Thank you Uncle Del & Aunty Ginny!

It is also fascinating to explore your childhood city through grown-up eyes. Jen and I browsed the Cathedral/13th Avenue district one morning and while there, we found info on the Regina Fringe Festival. So, in celebration of Jen's 31st birthday, we took in the "Wizard of One" show and then out for martinis at a restaurant called La Bodega.

The Cathedral - the namesake of the district in Regina

It was a quick 4 day trip (which included the 2 days of driving) but it was well worth it. I know the time I have with my grandma is drawing to a close. I learn so much from her everytime I visit her. She is a strong and gracious woman.

This is the view for most of the trip


Amy.E said...

Hey, I know that feeling of a Regina visit. It's good to be there, even if it's a quick trip. Glad to hear you had a good visit with Aunt Ginny & Uncle Del, and wonderful that you had such a good visit with your grandma. She's looking great!

Bobbi said...

Ohhh. So glad you had some family time in Saskatchewan. I love a healthy dose of that beautiful province. Thanks for sharing, Sar.

Anonymous said...

So glad you two got to make this trip! (who knew the cathedral could look so impressive) g