Sunday, January 27, 2008

Ice Magic & Harmony & the number 101

ICE MAGIC My friend Holly and I spent yesterday in a winter wonderland up at Lake Louise for their annual Ice Magic festival. Ice carvers from around the world come up and create masterpieces out of blocks of ice. Here are a couple of examples ( although my photographs do not do them justice)

After a rather slow start to the morning, Holly and I spent our day wandering through the snow, "skating" on the lake and exploring the Chateau Lake Louise. There was so much snow - it was beautiful. In the afternoon, we met up with friends, Christine & Noel to watch a telling of the "Snow Queen" fairy tale through the words of a narrator and the music of a string quartet.
A perfect winter day!


As for the harmony part of my blog title, I wanted to share some questions/thoughts that are floating around in my mind regarding the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi "Lord, make me an instrument of your peace". I have been thinking about what peace actually means and whether it is one of those words where the definition relies on its context.

First, a thought.... In Psalm 133, there is a verse regarding peace - "how wonderful it is, how pleasant when brothers live together in harmony." I like the idea of harmony in the context of peace. In a song, not everyone is playing the same note or instrument but when all the notes and instruments come together, beautiful music is made. Sometimes we think peace requires an agreement on issues or ideas but perhaps it is taking our differences together with a willingness to work together that peace can happen.

Now for a question about peace...often peace comes after surrender. If I want peace for myself and the world, what would I be willing to surrender or give up for it?


As mentioned in a previous blog, I was contemplating creating a list outlining 101 things I wanted to accomplish in 1001 days. To see what I have decided to do, check out Deadline Oct 29, 2010

1 comment:

Jen L said...

Love the list Sara. Very inspiring. Very couragous to write down your hopes and dreams. I don't know if I could do it.