This blog is dedicated to my sister Nicole who astounds me with her busy life. I am in awe of how she does it all without going insane (perhaps it is the insanity that keeps her going?)
So here is my Nicole Day...It is not even noon on Saturday morning and I feel I have accomplished so much on my to-do list. Have done laundry, made pancakes with strawberries(along with eggs and coffee for breakfast), read the newspaper, taken recycling to the depot, went to IKEA for a few necessities and returned books to the library. I know these are "v. exciting" tasks but who knows, with this high I am getting from my uber-productivity, I may even finish the drawstring on the skirt Nicole made for me instead of waiting a year to complete it.
Maybe this afternoon, I will do all my sewing projects (hemming pants, fixing buttons, etc), audit my wardrobe to make room for fall clothes, write my will, paint something, put hooks up in my bathroom, install a rod in my laundry room, plan a dinner party & Swap-a-rama for September... Oh the thrill of it all and there is still half a day to go!
thank you for honoring me with my own day...I had a lousy Friday/Saturday...thank you. The skirts looks good, I hope you will wear it!
Let's not get too carried away with the to do list. A little flex is a good thing you know! Love you. wow
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