Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Story of Stuff

Still exploring the ideas of simplicity but came across this interesting video about all the stuff we have and some theories on why we think we need it. It is called the Story of Stuff - definitely made me stop and think about what I consume, what I pay for things, and their importance in my life.
I often tell people not to worry about food spills on my couch because it is just a thing. I often buy the cheaper option because I figure it will break or I will lose it anyhow so best not to invest much in it. After seeing this video, I wonder if my attitude was a bit skewed. Regardless, I never want things to take a higher priority than people but perhaps I need to take a less carefree attitude and try to keep my things in better shape and not just throw them out when worn or temporarily broken.
Then I wonder how living simply is connected to living sustainably. There are a lot of resources on how small steps to reduce your impact on the environment but there are a few suggestions, I am just not ready to embrace...such as - air travel and print newspaper & magazines (love to flip pages).
Still just trying to figure out what I need to do in my small life here.  

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Lenten Meditations

Like so many Christian traditions, the practise of Lent is not found in the Bible. There is no "how-to-do-lent-for-dummies" manual hidden amongst the minor prophets. Growing up without the traditional church calendar allows me to meditate on these liturgical practices with freshness. For many, observing Lent requires a sacrifice of something they love - chocolate, alcohol, swearing, sarcasm - as a symbol of walking with Jesus in his suffering. However, as Lent approached, the idea to give up something in particular didn't really happened but rather, I felt the need to journey through a lenten meditation of sorts. I have begun to mull over the idea of living simply. Here is where my meditations are taking me...I will ask your forgiveness ahead of time as this post may be a bit of a ramble. I am still forming these thoughts.

Beyond the consumerism excess that we are surrounded by, I thought about the other things that hinder living simply. Here are some indulgences I hold onto:
- the hoarding of grudges
- the collection of worries
- the rationing of self
- the stinginess of love
- the scrimping of grace
- the squandering of time
- the depriving of talents

It is distressing to consider my own excesses of life and the skewed priorites. All of the attitudes listed above impact my desire and ability to live a simple life. As I contemplate what it means to have a simple life but yet to have it abundantly as Jesus gives to us through truth, I came to a question. Although the words abundant and excess are used as synonyms so often, they may be further apart in definition than we think. Isn't living simply actually more closely connected to living an abundant life because having an abundant life is not about your possessions but rather the joy and love in life? I wonder what my life would look like if I threw caution to the wind and:
- forgave the grudges
- released the worries
- gave more of myself
- distributed love more freely
- allowed grace to guide my decisions
- become intentional with my time
- offered my talents 

Perhaps the simple and abundant life is less about me and more about others.

In a complete change of topic, be sure to celebrate the International Women's Day today. The equality of women around the world will ensure the alleviation of extreme poverty and end violence against women and children. For those of us who know freedom and experience it daily, we have an obligation to speak out for our sisters who do not have a voice. For more information, visit the UN site.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

A legacy of sorts

I am the keeper of my Grandma Bateman's recipe box. After a conversation with my aunt, I have been contemplating sharing them online. On a weekly basis, I will post a recipe from her collection. If you are interested, check out:

February updates

Despite being consumed with buying a new car, I still managed to fill my life with all sorts of fun things this past month. Did February just fly by v. quickly for everyone or is it just me? I was supposed to get into full 1/2 marathon training this month but have just really started this past week. Today, I did a 9.5 km run by the Bow was a mild day and one of those days that make you hopeful that spring will indeed arrive. 

These shoes will begin to look a lot worse as we near May. But if I stick to the training schedule, I should be able to run that evil 21 km on May 31. My co-runner, Christine, shared this great motivating quote - "One day I will not be able to do this. Today is not that day." I need to remind myself that I have my health and can run so must enjoy it. 

For Valentine's Day weekend, I was surrounded by love. Friday evening to Sunday afternoon, I stayed at a cabin in the foothills with a group of wonderful people. We basically ate great food, drank quite a bit of wine but most of all, just enjoyed being away from the busyness of life. It was lovely. 
Last weekend, I had the opportunity to help my friend, Punam, with her newest film production. We interviewed people who excel at their chosen trade. It is a new film called Vocare and it is about finding your voice and passion within your vocation. I will keep you posted. But if you would like to see information about her last film The Lesson, follow the link. Or if you are on Facebook, join for Punamarts for updates. 

Also in this past month, I enjoyed the most wonderful of all massages at The Spa Ritual - a hot stone massage. I actually relaxed which for me is no small feat. I am almost never relaxed (must work on that!!) I need to go is like crack. Once you have this massage, nothing will ever compare.

Well, we are already a full day into March...I wonder what it will hold. I will attempt to update more often or at least as the Spirit moves :-).


So, I have been negligent in keeping my blog updated.  It has been a crazy few weeks as I dealt with the purchase of a new car. I am now the proud new owner of a Toyota Yaris. And for the first time in many years, I feel the need to name my car - I guess it is a welcoming gesture. 

Meet "Petunia"...

Having a car in Calgary is almost an essential thing. Getting to work on transit is fine but it is the rest of your life that is difficult to do without a vehicle. And the city of calgary does not make taking transit all that affordable; they need to decide if they want their citizens to be car people or public transit friendly. Ok, enough ranting for today. If you are in the Calgary area, I hope to introduce you to Petunia - she is v. lovely.

Because I commit to blogging once a week, and obviously I did fulfill my commitment during the past 3 weeks, I am going to do three separate posts for my thoughts and activities for February. This post about Petunia- and  obviously post number 1.