Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Pink Mountains

I wish the world would know that God is in the details.
I wish I had a camera with me last night.
I wish I was a great photographer like my sister Nicole.
I wish I could capture the beauty of the pink mountains.

For the last 4 days, I have been up in Banff at a conference for work and I was reminded again about the amazing backyard I have. The Rocky Mountains continue to take my breath away at every turn. And to make the enjoyment even greater, I was with colleagues from Montreal, Bahamas and other locales who had never seen the Rockies or Banff. Their excitement magnified my own.
But last night was the most breathtaking...after wandering into town for dinner, we took the scenic path back up to the conference centre just before dusk. As the sun set behind the mountain range, the snow on the surrounding peaks caught it and transformed the view. At first, the snow was a warm yellow and then a fiery orange and then finally a glorious and glowing pink! My breath was gone and my eyes transfixed until the sunlight completely disappeared behind the mountain range. "And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good."

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

the adventure continues

Originally, this blog was only going to be about my Hong Kong trip. But after careful consideration and due to the fact my philosophy is that life is an adventure, I am going to continue this journal. Whether or not I have anyone who cares is not the point but this will simply be a means to share my observations along the journey.

Speaking of journeys, there are always changes to it and last week, I quit my job. My colleagues planned a "secret" and wonderful send-off party. The ladies in the attached picture made me feel at home at the office and I will miss them. It is interesting when you consider the people who come into your life especially from the workplace. You spend an incredible amount of time with them....sometimes even more time than your own family. But when you leave a company, there is always the question of whether or not you will continue to be as close or even stay in touch because the convenience of the relationship is gone. I hope I do stay in contact because these are great women who supported me in my career. They encouraged me and celebrated my successes with me during my time there. I miss them already.